Today is the day


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Today is the day

" MATAN TORAH(ORT)" of the Martial Arts.Not in the desert,but smack in the middle of TEL AVIV. We will be receiving this great treasure from: Master Nir Malchi-Tai Chi,and expert in many other martial arts. Tsabar Aram-An expert in several martial arts.He is the closest I have ever come to a 'Real' Charadi Ninja. Others will be there to teach as well and help out. This will be the first of two training evenings,the second being next month.The third training event will be a long weekend Seminar in the month of August. ORCHOT LOCHOMIM -Martial artists with long PAYIS,BEARDS and big yalmukahs,with a taste for KIGEL,TSHULENT and a shnaps once in a while. Dont miss it!!!! The 'shnaps' that is......... TONIGHT: 'MATAM TORAH(ORT)'of the martial arts which will be given by very SENIOR and EXPERIANCED martial artists some who lived in Japan for a good number of years. The details have already been given by David Kafri. Looking forward to meeting with you all,and dont forget to bring the shnaps,otherwise the natives might get restless. Shimon​