thanks ester

ארן דו

New member
thanks ester

fisrt of all thanks for your reply. i appriciate the quick response. soem of the information you offered was indeed new to me even though i'm breasfeeding my fourth child at the moment. the fact about too much water is problematic for me because i live in the desert- in Eilat. in our town you need to drink non stop all most all year round, especialy in the summer. my baby is fine and happy. hope to send you a photo soon . thanks again. Oren
Oh, well if you live in Eilat, then

yo really do need to drink more water. An interesting study was done on teh beduin women in the Negev. It was discovered that on very hot dry days, their milk was more watery than the babies would feed more often and not dehydrate. Of course, that study was done to prove that breastfed babies do not need water!! But the mothers have to drink more........still drink only to thirst, and it is obvious that you will be more thirsty than mothers who live in other areas. Waiting for the photo!!​


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