Opinion on Khan Station in Capital

הנושא נעול.
Opinion on Khan Station in Capital

Opinion on Khan Station in Capital
I am very happy that a decision was made to continue works on the line to our Capital. Now, and this is my opinion, I think that one mistake was made. Before the train reaches the Khan station it passes through densely populated neighbourhoods, pruduces potentially noise and makes transit between the neighbourhoods difficult. What they should do: Malkha (no, the correct name should be Manakhat!) station should be TEMPORARILY the terminus station. Meanwhile they should excavate a "half tunnel" . I mean they should lower by a few meters the track level, thus enabling the building of road bridges and consequently uniting the divided neighbourhoods. Moreover this solution prevents a lot of the noise emmisions. With such a construction they should leave an option open to cover the tracks in the future with a concrete roof (would be wonderfull to build public gardens on top of the tracks, don't you think?) which is of course costly at this stage and would endanger other important nationl projects. My fear is that with eliminating one problem (at last a rail connection to the capital) they are creating a new problem (noise, traffic problems at level crossings, respectivelly expensive bridge or tunnel building, and a potentially negative public opinion and in the long term high costs to repair the dammage). Question to you all: Were there any announcements concerning these problems (without refering to silly Olmert who wanted to eliminate totally this strech of tracks)? Do they want to keep the level crossings of the streets like Derekh Bet Lehem or Rehov General Pierre König? Thanks and regards
Can't anyone answer question

Opinion on Khan Station in Capital
I am very happy that a decision was made to continue works on the line to our Capital. Now, and this is my opinion, I think that one mistake was made. Before the train reaches the Khan station it passes through densely populated neighbourhoods, pruduces potentially noise and makes transit between the neighbourhoods difficult. What they should do: Malkha (no, the correct name should be Manakhat!) station should be TEMPORARILY the terminus station. Meanwhile they should excavate a "half tunnel" . I mean they should lower by a few meters the track level, thus enabling the building of road bridges and consequently uniting the divided neighbourhoods. Moreover this solution prevents a lot of the noise emmisions. With such a construction they should leave an option open to cover the tracks in the future with a concrete roof (would be wonderfull to build public gardens on top of the tracks, don't you think?) which is of course costly at this stage and would endanger other important nationl projects. My fear is that with eliminating one problem (at last a rail connection to the capital) they are creating a new problem (noise, traffic problems at level crossings, respectivelly expensive bridge or tunnel building, and a potentially negative public opinion and in the long term high costs to repair the dammage). Question to you all: Were there any announcements concerning these problems (without refering to silly Olmert who wanted to eliminate totally this strech of tracks)? Do they want to keep the level crossings of the streets like Derekh Bet Lehem or Rehov General Pierre König? Thanks and regards
Can't anyone answer question
Aren't there any questions ready???


New member
as far as I know

Can't anyone answer question
Aren't there any questions ready???
as far as I know
our efforts last year to push for the extension of the line (even temporarily) to the Khan were met with some reluctance from the train. I think Snir isn't truly interested in reopening the Khan station (pls correct me if someone knows otherwise), although the project manager was trying to promote it and had already reached agreements with most of the neighbourhoods around the line. actually, there is only 1 street that is opposed to reopening the station, and most of the neighbourhoods were in favour, having developed next to the railway till it was part of normal everyday life. There are currently plans for excavating a tunnel from Malcha to the city center and building a new station there - but i have a feeling this will not happen in the immediate future... personally i hope we can convince the new mayor and minister to extend the line, even as it is, even as a temporary solution. one obstacle to reaching this is going to be a construction plan currently being discussed for the station area (and we all know Snir is if favour of using railway real-estate as a financial source for the train).


New member
לדעתי זה רעיון מעולה.

Opinion on Khan Station in Capital
I am very happy that a decision was made to continue works on the line to our Capital. Now, and this is my opinion, I think that one mistake was made. Before the train reaches the Khan station it passes through densely populated neighbourhoods, pruduces potentially noise and makes transit between the neighbourhoods difficult. What they should do: Malkha (no, the correct name should be Manakhat!) station should be TEMPORARILY the terminus station. Meanwhile they should excavate a "half tunnel" . I mean they should lower by a few meters the track level, thus enabling the building of road bridges and consequently uniting the divided neighbourhoods. Moreover this solution prevents a lot of the noise emmisions. With such a construction they should leave an option open to cover the tracks in the future with a concrete roof (would be wonderfull to build public gardens on top of the tracks, don't you think?) which is of course costly at this stage and would endanger other important nationl projects. My fear is that with eliminating one problem (at last a rail connection to the capital) they are creating a new problem (noise, traffic problems at level crossings, respectivelly expensive bridge or tunnel building, and a potentially negative public opinion and in the long term high costs to repair the dammage). Question to you all: Were there any announcements concerning these problems (without refering to silly Olmert who wanted to eliminate totally this strech of tracks)? Do they want to keep the level crossings of the streets like Derekh Bet Lehem or Rehov General Pierre König? Thanks and regards
לדעתי זה רעיון מעולה.
הבעיה היחידה איתו זה שההחלטה לבצע אותו תתקע את סלילת המסילה לתחנת החאן לעוד כמה שנים טובות, בגלל כל הביורוקרטיה ובגלל ההשקעה הנדרשת.
תחנת החאן ופתרונות יצירתיים

Opinion on Khan Station in Capital
I am very happy that a decision was made to continue works on the line to our Capital. Now, and this is my opinion, I think that one mistake was made. Before the train reaches the Khan station it passes through densely populated neighbourhoods, pruduces potentially noise and makes transit between the neighbourhoods difficult. What they should do: Malkha (no, the correct name should be Manakhat!) station should be TEMPORARILY the terminus station. Meanwhile they should excavate a "half tunnel" . I mean they should lower by a few meters the track level, thus enabling the building of road bridges and consequently uniting the divided neighbourhoods. Moreover this solution prevents a lot of the noise emmisions. With such a construction they should leave an option open to cover the tracks in the future with a concrete roof (would be wonderfull to build public gardens on top of the tracks, don't you think?) which is of course costly at this stage and would endanger other important nationl projects. My fear is that with eliminating one problem (at last a rail connection to the capital) they are creating a new problem (noise, traffic problems at level crossings, respectivelly expensive bridge or tunnel building, and a potentially negative public opinion and in the long term high costs to repair the dammage). Question to you all: Were there any announcements concerning these problems (without refering to silly Olmert who wanted to eliminate totally this strech of tracks)? Do they want to keep the level crossings of the streets like Derekh Bet Lehem or Rehov General Pierre König? Thanks and regards
תחנת החאן ופתרונות יצירתיים
דווקא לפני כשנה חבר טוב שלי בשם אליהו ענבי חשב על הרעיון של שיקוע הקו לתחנת החאן ובהמשך חפירת המנהרה אל גן העצמאות משם דווקא, ולא מתחנת מלחה, שכובדה במקומה מונח (למרות שאני חושב שהיא תהיה מכוערת ולמרות שאני לא חושב שהיא מתאימה במיקומה להיות התחנה היחידה בירושלים). אותו חבר הלך והכין שרטוטים מפורטים עם אילוסטרציה של התוכנית שלו, ואף שלחם אל משרד התחבורה, אולם לצערי לא קיבל כל תגובה מסודרת לתוכניתו. ואם דעתי מעניינת אתכם, אזי אספר לכם שאני לא ראוה כל טעם בביצוע שיקוע המסילה בין מלחה לתחנת החאן כך שתהיה בתוך שוחה - בעיות רעש אינן מטרד אמיתי לדעתי ביחס לשאון הרחוב (ואני גר ליד רחוב ראשי, כך שאני יודע על מה אני מדבר) במיוחד עם רכבות שקטות כמו ה-IC3, וגם 'זיהום האוויר' שלהן זניח לעומת זה של הרחוב. יגידו תושבי השכונות - 'אבל אין לנו רחוב ראשי כאן, אז הטיעון שלך לא עובד' ואז אשיב להם כי איפושהו צריך להיות רחוב ראשי (כל עוד אין תחבורה ציבורית נאותה) ואני לא רואה כל סיבה עקרונית למה שהוא יהיה דווקא ליד הבית של אביתר ולא ליד ביתם - הנמשל הוא כמובן שקו הרכבת אמור להוות תחליף לרחוב ראשי, ושהעובדה שאין שם רחוב ראשי כעת לא פוטרת את התושבים מהעול של לסבול רחוב כזה, בדיוק כמו כל תושב בארץ כיום.
הנושא נעול.