Mike on French TV


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Mike on French TV

I just got an email from a friend who's spending the summer in Paris. She knows I like Mike's music. She wrote that two weeks ago they had a program on French tv on singers from the 70's and she saw mike among them. She was very impressed how handsom he was and what a great singer he is |Another little story I'd like to share with you: I'm currently vacationing in Florida and I asked my doorman who's from French speaking Haiti if he has heard of a singer named Mike Brant. He said to me: "Are you kidding? I grew up with Mikes Music." He knows all the songs and he was very happy when I let him listen to Mike's songs on my IPod. Now each time I come down to the lobby he humes a MB tune.


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hello hedy, mary here

hello, i just read your latest post, yes, my friend nana, who lives in paris, she tell me about the show, that she watch it at a friends house. until i meet my friends here at the forum, i did not know, that mike was so very popular, around the world,, because, i left france in december 1975, and have never been back, and, mike, brant, is all most unknown here in england.. yes, i, too grew up with mikes music, love mary.xx


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הדי, שבת שלום וברוכה הבאה לפורום ../images/Emo140.gif



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Hi Dalia, thanks for the nice welcome.

I loved Mike's photo on the white horse. The photo is blue and white just like our flag.


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