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Cubans in Israel

Dear Dara Thank you very much for your help.I have already contacted the Jewish Centre in New Zealand ( Auckland)and it was very positive,they sent me information about internship programmes for professionals in particular for Doctors I am emailing you again because I would like to contact Cuban Jews in Israel.I will travel there by the end of the year.Have anyone met any Cubans over there?.Would be really nice to keep in contact through this website.Its really helpful. Kind regards Moshe Wellington New Zealand


New member

Hi there: Shalom My name is Moshe Sierra,cuban born,New Zealand citizen.Although I am not a jew,my grandmother and part of my ancestors are.Since I was a child in Cuba I love the history of Israel and the jewish people.I will visit Israel by the end of the year,I would like to meet new friends .Im planning to travell all around the country and to do some voluntary work there.I am a Medical Doctor,specialist in family Medicine.Sorry I do not speak any hebrew but keen to learn. I would like to know more about Israel and Israeli people.I have met several young israelis travelling around New Zealand they are really nice people,real Israeli Ambassadors!!. Im really look forward to do a medical postgraduate or training in Israel. Would be excellent to contact people keen on helping me Kind regards Moshe Wellington New Zealand


New member

Dear friend Thank you for your e mail.I was not able to find your private e mail address thats why I m emailing to into this inbox.I would like to hear back from you.Please e mail me.My e mail address: [email protected] Kind regards Moshe


New member
response to Shalom(previous e mail)

Dear friend from Tel Aviv: Thank you for you mail,I was not able to e-mail you into your inbox,can you,please,forward your e mails into my e mail address [email protected] Kind regards,from NZ Moshe


New member

Hi there friend: I thought you e mailed me into my e mail address,i have got only e mail into here not into another external address.Would be great to keep in touch either through my e mail or in here.Is that ok?. Looking forward to hear from you Regards Moshe