israel is in ower hands


New member
israel is in ower hands

to all of you who are staying now in israel or need to understand that israel is in a spicial time of importent time.we need to start reading the bible and to exept the lows that been given to us 5000 years ago by Moshe Rabeno.we are the generation that need to understand what is going on arround us and to make the change.brothers and sisters i am asking you all...please help us all to make the change and we wont see so much evil arround us...i am just a jew that sick and tierd of seen so much evil...


New member
כמה שגיאות......

ולא רק באנגלית, אני חושב שמתן תורה לא היה לפני 5000 שנה, בריאת העולם היתה לפני 5763 שנה,