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פורסמה כתבה על הלהקה ב-Boston Herald ויש שם גם דברים שג'ו אמר להם. דבר אחד מאוד בולט שם שהוא אמר, לקראת סוף הכתבה...ותודה לעידן על העדכון המהיר בזמן שחיממתי מרק על הסיר (חרוז בטעות!). אני מפרסם כאן את כולה והדגשתי את הדבר המעניין:
פורסמה כתבה על הלהקה ב-Boston Herald ויש שם גם דברים שג'ו אמר להם. דבר אחד מאוד בולט שם שהוא אמר, לקראת סוף הכתבה...ותודה לעידן על העדכון המהיר בזמן שחיממתי מרק על הסיר (חרוז בטעות!). אני מפרסם כאן את כולה והדגשתי את הדבר המעניין:
Still in the saddle: Despite ills, Aerosmith keeps a rollin’ Aerosmith is not immortal. Hold on for a minute, and don’t send the Herald hate mail. We aren’t saying Aerosmith isn’t Boston’s - nay, America’s - greatest rock band. We’ve just noticed that the eternally youthful bad boys are creeping toward mortality. Bassist Tom Hamilton is recovering from radiation treatment for throat cancer and isn’t expected to rejoin Aerosmith’s Route of All Evil tour until late October at the earliest. (Which means fans going to tomorrow and Thursday’s shows with Motley Crue at the Tweeter Center will see David Hull of the Joe Perry Project, Hamilton’s handpicked replacement, filling in for him). And at the beginning of the year, the band was forced to cancel some live dates when singer Steven Tyler underwent experimental surgery to repair a popped blood vessel in his throat. “There’s always a period when a tour starts when everything is kind of rough, but frankly these last few gigs have been going a lot better than I thought they would,” said guitarist Joe Perry, 56, from New York City the day after the band’s second Jones Beach show. “Steven’s voice sounds great and David is fitting in well. But we do want Tom back soon. Everyone in the band plays a part to keep this Aerosmith juggernaut going. This will work for a while, but it won’t work forever without Tom.” The band may be showing its age, but it’s as busy as ever. The group’s tour with Motley Crue is making more than 30 stops from Boston to San Diego. It may seem strange that Aerosmith - the poster boys of rock sobriety - would pair with the depraved, debauched and decadent Crue, but Perry doesn’t see a conflict. “I kind of stay out of what people do onstage,” the former Toxic Twin said. “What matters to me is that we put on the best show we can - and that’s what matters to those guys, too. Some of them drink, some of them don’t. They’ve been through a lot of ups and downs as well, but they do what it takes to get onstage and put on the show that the fans expect and pay for.” Beyond the tour, there is a lot of new Aerosmith music on the horizon. OK, even with two new tracks, their October greatest-hits package - the band’s sixth singles anthology - isn’t all that exciting. But in February, Perry and company return to the studio to finish their 15th studio album. After decades of pumping out iconic riffs such as the ones in “Walk this Way” and “Back in the Saddle,” the guitarist said he’s still got a lot of music left in him. “Sometimes I wake up and feel like there is nothing there,” he said. “But I’ve been in that position so many times. Sure enough, I sit down and stuff comes out. It’s been that way for 30 years. I’ll probably end up with 15 pieces of music that don’t end up on the new record. Maybe they’ll end up on another Aerosmith record or another solo record. We’ll see what time allows.” Right now it seems like time is allowing for plenty more, even with the bumps in the road that come with aging. The band has already committed to playing Europe next year and will hit a bunch of the major festivals. Perry said they’ll take some major young bands with them on a package tour but can’t say who until the deals are inked. “I still think Motley Crue is a young band, so I guess it’s all relative,” he said with a chuckle. “But expect a band that’s been really popular in the last 10 years.”
ג'ו אומר שהלהקה כבר התחייבה לנגן בפסטיבלים שנה הבאה באירופה...אם זה קורה, זה חדשות מאוד גדולות, כי הלהקה כאמור לא הופיע באופן רגיל באירופה מאז 1999. קצת חבל שזה פסטיבלים, כי זה אומר הופעות יחד עם להקות אחרות במקום פתוח וגם די מחוייבות לנגן רק להיטים. אבל הגעה לאירופה שך הלהקה זה חדשות גדולות בזמננו. מעניין גם מי יהיו הלהקות הצעירות שיתלוו אליהם. נחכה לעוד פרטים על זה. אמנם ג'ו כבר אמר דברים בעבר שלא יתקיימו, אבל הוא אומר כאן שהם כבר התחייבו לזה...חדשות גדולות ומעניינות.