I'm kinda the opposite... enter

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I'm kinda the opposite... enter

Hello everyone! My name is Danna, I'm originally from Israel (Netanya) and right now staying with my cousins in Boston. I turned 18 last November, and expected to join the army on February 22nd. It's gonna sound a little crazy to some of you I guess, but I really want to stay here, get college education, and then come back in for years and join the army or do some kind of community service (shnat sherut- if you know what it is). I'm a litte confused, and wanted to consut with some people who might be dealing with similar situations... I realy waant to stay here, for many personal reasons I just don't wanna go back home right now. So, what really drives you to take such step? It's really kind of a life changing decision... How do you know that Israel is really the place you want to live in? How many of you plan to join the army as a part of their aliya? I realize it sounds a little odd, but I'm just asking for your point of view as young kids (yes, kids :)) my age who want to live somewhere else by themselves. And please don't judge me because my opinion is the complete opposite of yours, this isn't what my post is about... Thanks :) Danna


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The opposite../images/Emo163.gif

Dana Shalom Hi. You are welcome here, of course - but I think that you can find people with similar dilemmas on "Israelis abroad" forum. They have one on Ynet, Walla, Nrg, Iol etc. Personally, I think that if you have the option and opportunity to explore life in Boston, you can do it once you have fulfilled your duty to your country. Once you have served, you will have all the time in the world to explore the world, to travel, live and enjoy everything. Good luck