Help for post Spanish inquisition


New member
Help for post Spanish inquisition

My family is originally from Spain now having settled in the USA. I believe that my ancestors where some of the Spaniards to “converted” to Catholicism under the Inquisition. I need to flush out some more facts, but I am unsure of what if anything this would change for my eligibility for immigration rights to Spain or Israel for that matter. I know Spain has relaxed requirements for certain individuals. Still learning about Israel’s

Dave Bender

New member

Hi Dean2003, Fascinating story, there... Obviously, we can't assist with the Spanish side of the question, but, although you don't say where you reside in the States, the first best place to inquire is at the local Israel consulate or Aliyah Center. The link below is contact information for Aliyah Centers worldwide. Good luck and check back with about what develops. DB