Dear Friends!


New member
Dear Friends!

Thank you all for your responses and attention - I was very delighted to get all your answers, and they really helped to clear my mind! Some new happenings! D's daughter Bat Mitzvah was last weekend - a major event which I had refused to attend (see my previous postings - over indulgence of ex-wife, mother family - I just wanted to keep myself away from this headache...). Nevertheless, I had sent a present by mail, and D called me to say how much his daughter was pleased with the present. He had also mentioned that he knows that I am going to give a public lecture (he saw it on a publication, it did not come from myself) and that he wishes to come. Today he had called me to ask for the details - and I gave him the address, time etc. But - he did not offer to pick me up, or come eith me, or be personal. I really do not know how to react to this kind of attitude - are we going on a new type of relationship - a lecturer and audience?............what should I say to him ? I did not see him for 2 month, and I know it is going to be tough for me. And what shall I do if he is going to com with a new girl-friend who is judt interested in the topic? I really hope he is not going to be that nusty - though he had made me confront totally insensitive situations in the past. And there is also a possibility that another friend can come - shall I encourage him to do so - or shall i keep open ends with D so that we possibly meet and talk after the lecture? Please let me know what do you think... The lecture is on Sunday - and I would appreciate your reactions ovet the weekend! Have a greate week-end, and enjoy yourself! ai


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תחושת בטן יש לך?

מה אינטואיציה שלך אומרת לך..זה הקול הקטן הזה שבא מהבטן..מנדנד במוח ולא נותן מנוח..זה לא הלב..זה הבטן..תקשיבי לה.


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My intuition

says - bad. He is going to come to show off - maybe with another woman, maybe just himself. I feel very insecure t this moment. Sorry.But it is also possible that I am just over-whelmed with what had happened between us on the last 2 months, that gives me such a bad feeling, so that I am afraid to see him again


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פשוט להתעלם..כשצריך

לי אין מה להציע לך אז זו שצריכה להתמודד עם הרגשות שלך..אבל יותר עם שכל. אז הוא יבוא עם חברה..אז מה? כדי להראות לך שהוא מוצלח? שהוא שוכב עם אחרות? כדי שתקנאי..מה זה פה גן ילדים? נידמה לי שעברנו את הגיל. אם הוא מגיע אם עוד בחורה..תתעלמי..זו המכה הכי טובה. התעלמות היא סוג תגובה..ודי חריפה שמעבירה מסר די ברור. אם הוא מגיע לבד...צרי קשר עין ותראי את התגובה שלו. בהצלחה


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just to let you know

D left me a messege tody that he will not be able to come, and I was very much relieved. The lecturewent fantasticlly good, and I am really happy and relaxed. Have a nice week.


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אם ככה..זה אומר...שאולי היגע הזמן: to let go.... ולתת לעצמך את הזמן לחיות לבד..להכיר את עצמך מחדש..


New member
Yes, I also think so

I was so relived after he said he would not come....I had the feeling he was trying to play it "business as usual" and we are "just friends" now...But actually - it does not work like that! we have loads of unsolved emotinal stuff between us, and we cannot be "just friends" unfortunately... Thank you for your attention and encouraging with your opinions!


New member
Dear Nizat

But I am the lecturer myself! - it is impossible not to go.... Some other friend said I should just relate to him as a regular listner - not as a special guest... What do you think?