An abbreviated review of spiritual


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An abbreviated review of spiritual

Dear friends, This letter is addressed to those among you, the lucky ones who understood already that in order to ``change the world`` one has first to change himself. But, in that respect many are confronted with the delicate but quite important dilemma of finding the right teaching. Obviously, in order to change oneself one has to have the right knowledge or to work with someone who know one`s self. But first let`s consider what we understand by the expression ``to know oneself`` ? What is it this ``self`` that we think we should change or improve? Is this self my body or maybe my mind with all my fancy personality and my juicy dreams and desires, or perhaps it is something else altogether... Here lies the catch and quite a serious one. Without knowing what we are looking for and not suspecting ever what is one`s real identity, we are easily falling prey to ``teachers`` who only pretend knowing themselves, ask them first who they think they really are before you start being misled. Ego, the chief monkey has unlimited disguises but is not the self. With love, to be continued