שהמית! אם את לא צוחקת מזה אז את לא

שהמית! אם את לא צוחקת מזה אז את לא

תצחקי מכלום היום!! קראו כולם!!!! Westlife star Mark Feehily was the subject of a cruel joke on a flight to Poland recently - his bandmate Nicky Byrne and the tour manager drew all over his face as he slept. Unfortunately for Mark, he didn´t realise until he got back to his hotel and looked at himself in the mirror - despite signing autographs for fans as soon as he stepped off the plane. He winces, "We flew to Poland recently and I slept all the way there. When we arrived we signed some autographs and everyone was laughing at me - I just thought I looked really tired." "When I got back to the hotel I went to wash my face and saw that Nicky and our tour manager, Anto, had drawn big red tears over my cheeks and graffitied my forehead while I was asleep." נקרעתיייייייייייייייייייייייייייייייייייי חחחפפפפפפפפפפפפפ
נכון קורע??????????????

חחחחחחפפפפפפפפפפפפפפפפ אין אני נקרעתייי מצחוק בגלל זה!! חחחפפפפפפפפפפפפ