עוד 2 הגיגים מ-Walk this way...


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עוד 2 הגיגים מ-Walk this way...

את הקטעים האלה כבר סימנתי לא מכבר אבל עוד לא שמתי אותם פה אז הגיע הזמן גם להם. הקטע הראשון הוא ג'ק דגלאס שמספר על הפעם הראשונה שראה את אירוסמית' בהופעה: "Aerosmith came out in stage clothes, very glam but still very street, scarves over the microphone, and put this amazing raw energy. I'd seen the Jimmy Page Yradbirds at the Village Gate in New-York, and that night I thought I saw the American Yardbirds-not a copy, not an imitation, but the real thing, a hard rocking blues/R&B rock group. They played Train Kept A Rollin and I was just floored. This, Im thinking to myself, is the Great American Rock Band…" את הקטע השני מצאתי גם נחמד שהוא אחרי שג'ו עזב באמצע ההקלטות ל-Night in the ruts וזה סטיבן מספר על ההתרגשות פתאום שהייתה לו לכתוב שוב מילים לשיר: "For two months I'd been totally blocked, writing lyrics for this tracks we had done with Joe. "My name is nah nah nah, I come from Yonkers High, and I get drunk at night". One night I had such a revelation to write the story of the band, how Aerosmith got started: Ninteen seventy one We all heard the starter's gun New York was such a pitty But at Max's Kansas City we won We shot the shit at the bar With Johnnie O'Toole and his scar And then old Clive Davies said he's surley gonna make us a star "Im gonna make you a star Just the way you are" But with all his style I could see in his eyes that we is going on trial It was no surprise… It was like Helen Keller at the pump handle. I was exited to be back on track. "Hey, Guys! Listen to this!"