כל מה שרציתם לדעת על אמינם!

my josh

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כל מה שרציתם לדעת על אמינם!

טוב אז שמתי את זה כבר בפורום הייד פארק אז אם קראתם את זה כבר שם אז... תקראו עוד פעם!! חחחח אז בקיצור הנה 2 דברים 1. 51 דברים שלא ידעתם על אמינם(או שכן?..) 2. אמינם מתייחס לשירים ולדברים הכי חשובים לו! ידעתם שהוא היה מעריץ גדול של מדונה!?! בקיצור תקראו את זה.. זה חידש לי כמה דברים.. לא הרבה אבל כמה דברים כמו על מדונה.. אז הנה 1: 1. E M I N E M is left-handed. 2. EM cuts his own hair. 3. EM wishes he had a Taco Bell in his backyard cuz he likes it so much. He likes the beef burrito and beef chalupa. Some of his other favorite fast food places are Burger King, McDonald's, & Wendy's. 4. EM's favorite drink is Mountain Dew. 5. EM's finished working on a movie that will be loosely based on his life. He will play a rapper who struggles to gain fame. It's gonna be called "8 Mile" (named after tha street in Detroit that divides the black and white neighborhoods). 6. EM had been wanting 2 sample Aerosmith's "Dream On" since he was 16 or 17. Proof reminded him about it and EM sampled it for "Sing For The Moment". 7.The name of the song playing in the background of The Kiss (skit on The Eminem Show) is called "Everyone's Looking At Me." It was a song that EM recorded 4 The Wash soundtrack, but never made it. 8. EM was embarrased 2 release "Hailie's Song" at first. 9. Hailie plays video games and colors while EM records in the studio. She came up w/the hook to "My Dad's Gone Crazy" one day while she was there playing around and said "Somebody please help me!" LoL 10. EM hung out w/Jay-Z at his record release party in NY till 3am. 11. EM's doing some collabos w/Kid Rock and Xzibit that will B out soon. 12. EM likes to play arcades at his house. He has Popeye, Dig Dug, and Ms. Pacman. 13. EM says that the next group he's gonna sign 2 his label, Shady Records are the Outsidaz. 14. The name of EM's NU DJ is Greenlantern. 15. EM watches Dora the Explorer, Hey Arnold, and the Powerpuff Girls w/Hailie. 16. Some of EM's favorite movies are How High?, Orange County, and The Matrix. 17. EM wears glasses. 18. EM's favorite color is light blue. 19. EM's shoe size is 10 1/2. 20. EM likes shopping at K-Mart, but is mad cuz he can't go as much cuz of his fame. 21. Tom Green and South Park make him laugh like crazy. 22. When EM writes his lyrics, he starts at the corner of the paper and writes downward instead of writing on the lines. 23. To record "Just the Two of Us" w/Hailie in the studio, (now known as "Bonnie and Clyde '97") EM told Kim he was gonna take Hailie to Chuck E. Cheese. 24. EM got his Rolex watch from Jimmy Iovine, the head of Interscope Records. 1 day, he was playing around and started complaining about how Kid Rock got a Rolex for Christmas and all he got was some free CDs to give to his cousins. So yeah, they gave EM a Rolex and he was happily surprised. 25. EM's major influences growing up were his uncle Ronnie, the Beastie Boys, LL Cool J, 2 Live Crew, Run DMC, and 3rd Bass. 26. EM's uncle Ronnie bought him his 1st rap album, the "Breakin'" soundtrack. The album also inspired him to become the expert breakdancer he is today. 27. EM has a total of 10 tattoos. He has an E M I N E M tattoo on his upper right arm, a picture of Hailie right above it that says Bonnie & Clyde underneath it, a vertical Hailie Jade tattoo on the back of his right arm, a D near his right elbow (the 1st part of his D-12 tattoo), a 12 near his left elbow, a tribal sign on his left wrist that he got in memory of Bugz (a former member of D-12 that passed away), a Slim Shady tattoo complete with mushrooms on his upper left arm, a Ronnie RIP tattoo that's right under the Slim Shady one, a Kim Rot In Pieces tattoo on his torso, and a Slit Me tattoo on his right wrist. 28. The name of EM's tattoo artist is Mr. Cartoon-who is located in California. 29. EM and Dido had never met until the SNL performance. EM just sampled her song "Thank You" with her permission. 30. EM was in a couple of groups before he decided to go solo in 1997. Some of the groups included: Bassment Productions, the New Jacks, and Soul Intent. 1 of these groups would perform wearing ski masks and sweat suits. When they finished their set, they would "unmask" themselves. 31. EM fell in love with rap when he 1st heard Ice-T's "Reckless" & started writing rhymes when he was 12 years old. 32. EM would spend hours at night studying the dictionary so that he could expand his vocabulary for his raps. 33. EM still gets nervous before going on stage. 34. EM worked for a factory called Gibbs Machinery when he was 16. He had a lot of odd jobs (sweeping floors, taking out the trash) and also worked at Little Ceaser's pizza. 35. EM was a short-order cook at a restaurant called Gilbert's Lodge in St. Claire Shores, Michigan. Whenever he had some lyrics he needed to write down, he'd write them on some receipts. He also used to write his lyrics in pencil on the wall above his bed, but his mom got really pissed cuz the paint came off after trying to erase them. When his friends came to eat, he would also rap things off the menu to them.

my josh

New member
המשך! 36-51 + הדבר השני..!

36. EM was really quiet at school and had a hard time making friends, but started becoming more social in the 8th grade. He used to spend his free time watching TV and reading comic books. 37. Before EM heard rap, he wanted to be a comic book artist. 38. EM's idea of splurging is spending $500 or $600 at Nike Town. He's not used to having so much money and doesn't really know what to do with it. 39. EM and Kim used to live in all black neighborhoods, so they would usually meet each other half way or at the railroad tracks to avoid harm. EM would usually get beat up on the way there and even got shot at once. 40. Dre discovered EM after finding his demo tape on the floor of his studio. Then after EM won 2nd place in the Rap Olympics, he decided to sign him to his label. 41. EM has his own record label-Shady Records & has D-12 signed to it. 42. EM's favorite collaboration with Dre is "Forgot About Dre," but both of them say that they haven't even come close to the best that they can do on a record. 43. EM and Dre got the idea for "Guilty Conscience" 's second verse from the movie "Animal House." 44. Kim has a twin sister named Dawn. 45. EM gave Paul Rosenberg one of the Grammys that he won in 2000. 46. Paul "Bunyan" Rosenberg has been EM's mananger since 1995. 47. EM feels that he can't trust anybody that he meets because the thinks that they are just trying to befriend him because he's famous. He likes to keep in touch with his circle of friends who know him as Marshall Mathers. 48. The background for "Kim" was on a 1983 episode of "Growing Pains." 49. EM considers himself to be a "happy individual" even though a lot of people think he's pissed off 24/7. He says that writing lyrics is his way of venting. 50. The 4 recorded dates for EM getting beat up by D'Angelo Bailey were: October 15, 1981-Marshall got beat up, was bruised, got the wind knocked out of him, had nausea, abnormal sleepiness, and had injuries toward his lips and tongue. November 14, 1981-Marshall suffered another beating during recess, but had sleeplessness, vomiting, nightmares, and antisocial behavior. December 21, 1981-Marshall suffered yet another beating with injuries toward his face, head, back, and legs. January 13, 1982-Marshall was intentionally hit with a snowball containing a heavy object, was mainly wounded severely while lying on the ground and eventually went into a coma and an intermittent loss of vision in his right eye and an intermittent loss of hearing. (This info was based on official legal documents because the Mathers family tried to sue the school board, but lost). 51. EM says that D'Angelo was the biggest kid in school and he was the smallest. EM claims he still sees a white dot in his right eye from time to time. והנה השני: Eminem's comments to the most important songs in his life First album he bought Breaking Soundtrack "..I was begging my mother two weeks for this cassette..." His first pop crush Madonna "..when I was eleven years old, my whole room was full of Madonna posters.." Who inspired him to start rapping Run DMC, Beastie Boys, or LL Cool J "..when I wrote my first rap I would sound like LL.." First concert he went to Run DMC, Big Daddy Kane and Queen Latifah in Detroit "..I went together with a friend, a brawl started he had a black eye.." What does he listen to on tour Dr Dre - 'The Chronic 2001' "..one of the best albums of the year.." Music he can dance to Busta Rhymes - 'Put Your Hands Where My Eyes Can See' "..one of my favorite songs to dance to.." Alternative music he has Limp Bizkit, Kid Rock, Alanis Morissette's First Album "..that's all rock music I listen to.." Song which reminds him about life before fame Eminem - 'Rock Bottom' "..I lost my job and hadn't enough.

k k1

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תודה רבה עדי!

חחח כן כבר קראתי את זה בהייד פארק וזה חידש לי המווווווון דברים ואיכככככככככככככככככככס אני שונאת את מדונה! (יש לי תמונות שלהם ביחד בטקס של הוי אמ איי)

my josh

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כן גם לי שהוא אומר לה משהו באוזן את

זה יש לך?.? ולמה את שונאת את מדונה?..? היא חמודה!..! חח ראיתם בטי אאר אל שהיה תוכנית של פיפטי ומדונה שהם היו כאילו באותה תוכנית והוא הכי התרגש הוא עוש כזה או מי גוד מדונה והוא חיבק אותה וזה! חח כנראה גם הוא אהב אותה כמו אמ'..!


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כן תודה!

למרות שכבר קראתי את זה בהייד פארק...תודה בכל זאת! וקרין , אני מבינה אותך...מדונה פשוט מיותרת... לא מבינה את האנשים שאוהבים אותה (טוב מה אתם מצפים, עם מעריצים כמו בריטני הכל ברור...). גם לי יש את התמונות.... אם אתם רוצים תגידו לי אני יכולה לשים תמונות של אמ.. כל מיני...חלקן חדשות..אה.. ואם אתם רוצים גם של ויטני.

my josh

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אממ זאת הבעייה בפורום..!

אי אפשר לשים תמונות בפורום! בגלל שאין מנהל בגלל זה אנחנו מחפשים כבר מלא זמן מישהו שיהיה מנהל! אם את רוצה את יכולה להעלות תמונות לגלרייה של הפורום ואז נראה אותם.. זה הפתרון היחיד שלנו לשים תמונות.. ואיזה ויטני? יוסטון??.?!

k k1

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איך ידעתי שגם אני וגם עדי נכתוב את אותה הודעה-שאי אפשר לשים תמונות ובלה בלה חחחחחחח

my josh

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חחחח כן גם אני ידעתי שתרשמי גם

אבל עדיין ליתר ביטחון!..! חחחחחחח

k k1

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כן עדי זה התמונה הזאת

ועוד כמה כאלה בסגנון ואנה-תודה אבל אי אפשר לשים תמונות בפורום כי אין מנהל אבל אפשר לשים בגלריה ובקשר למדונה-אני פשוט לא מבינה איך זמרת כ"כ גרועה,בלי קול,ושירים סבירים ומטה *לדעתי* יכולה להיות כ"כ גדולה בעולם,פשוט לא מבינה למה תופסים ממנה כ"כ....


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איזה באסה :(

צריך להשיג מנהל! חחח טוב אני אנסה להעלות לגלרייה...

my josh

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חח כן תעלי לגלרייה זה לא בעייה

אין מה ל"נסות.." ו.. יש פה אחת שאמרה שלא אכפת לה להיות מנהלת (NiNa WiLLiAmS ) הללוואי שהיא תיהיה! חייבים תמונות!!


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למרות שאני כבר מכירה את זה

my josh

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חח טוב..

קראת את זה באתר שיד וורלד נכון? גיליתי את האתר רק שלשום! אהבתי..


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חחחח אין בעד מה

אז כנראה שאני צריכה לעבוד יותר קשה עכשיו :) אני לא אנוח עד שאמצע משהו שאת לא מכירה! חחחח


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אגב..... ה51 דברים...

אז יש עוד... יש המשך... מצאתי את זה פעם...אם אני אמצא שוב אני אשים פה את הקישור

my josh

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נכוןןןןןןןןןן בדיוק מה שרשמתי!!

מחקו לנו שירושר!! אחחחחחחחחח התפוז הזה!!