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השפעת אתרי אינטרנט על ה-GM'S...

עד כדי כך שמנהג של האריס מהבאקס לקרוא את העיתון המקומי ושמועות באתר המוכר לכולנו hoopshype הביא בעקיפין להגעתו של מגלור למילווקי, בטרייד מההורנטס. Over the weekend, Harris was perusing hoopshype when he hit upon the Magloire rumors. "I didn't know if they were true but it piqued my interest," he said. "We'd struggled rebounding-wise in the preseason and could use another big." So on Monday, Harris called the Hornets in the mid-morning. "I called and made a reference to [the rumors] and said, 'Is there any truth to what I'm reading?' They said 'Nah, but we're feeling it out about him.' Within 48 hours, we had a deal." http://sportsillustrated.cnn.com/2005/writers/chris_ballard/10/27/magloire.trade/index.html