הוצאה קלורית באימון התנגדות

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הוצאה קלורית באימון התנגדות

של Cláudia de Mello Meirelle and Paulo Sergio Chagas Gomes Health Interdisciplinary Research Center – Gama Filho University. 2. Nutrition Department from the Bennett Methodist Institute – Rio de Janeiro, RJ, Brazil. 3. Nutrition Department from the Gama Filho University – Rio de Janeiro, RJ, Brazil The energy expenditure during a resistance exercise session (consecutive multiple-set or circuit) has been investigated in a few studies, with results indicating a wide range of values, from 64 to 534 kcal During the seventies, Wilmore et al. carried out the first study on this topic and found that trained men and women, aged 17 to 36 years, expended on average 131 kcal Olympic weight lifters showed that the energy expenditure during a typical training session of preparatory phase was approximately 392 kcal (11 kcal.min ). These values were much higher than those reported for non-athletic samples of resistance training experienced subjects (approximately 6 kcal.min יש להתייחס להוצאה הקלורית לאחר אימון התנגדות Chad and Wenger observed that increasing the duration of the activity (cycle-ergometer at 70% of VO2 max during 30, 45 or 60 min) also resulted in an expo-136 Rev Bras Med Esporte Vol. 10, Nº 2 – Mar/Abr, 2004 nential increase in EPOC. These authors also found that energy expenditure during EPOC increased approximately twice after 45 min of activity and more than five times after 60 min, when compared to 30 min. These findings are unique in the literature, since these same authors and others had already reported that EPOC increased linearly with duration of exercise at 70% of VO2 max. In addition, it should be pointed out that the sample studied by Chad and Wenger was made of only five subjects and of both genders (two males and three females). More recently, investigations have focused on the effect of resistance exercise on EPOC and a wide range of results have been found (ranging, on average, from 6 to 114 kcal during 60 min to 15 h after the end of exercise) Even more surprising results were seen by Schuenke et al. , who studied trained young men after a circuit-resistance exercise session and observed that EPOC remained significantly above resting values during 38 h after termination of the activity