...So you can see who I am

  • פותח הנושא Sefy
  • פורסם בתאריך


New member
...So you can see who I am

I Figured since i´m sorta new here (just 3rd day) someone might want to know who´s the one that talks so much about nothing, so here are a couple of pictures to make you laugh


New member

א, התמונות עבדו. ב, אהבתי את זאת עם הארנב. ג, למה אתה כל כך רציני בשתיים האחרות? מתאים לך לחייך.


New member
...Well.. in one I was suposed

!To look bad, evil like, that´s the whole point, i´m supposed to Krueger But serious on the other two ? me ? serious I thought I was smiling Here, i´ll put another one with my two body guards, maybe it will look better


New member
!These days you need protection

!Didn´t you hear ? we became New York, our school are more dangerous


New member
Well, I was living in a dream world

Actually, i´ve been in Australia for 6 months with my now X girlfriend And god I can´t tell you how awsome it is there, i´m doing everything I possible can to get back there


New member
...And every little cute animal

Is a viciously evil venemous predator! we have bees, they got Killer Bees we got ants, they got Killer Ants, we got Spiders, they got Killer Spider Heck, they even had reported cases of people dying from a tick


New member
...Everyone that lives here

has a death wish! so instead of a few terrorists, there are a few killer bugs, big deal, in Israel we had more people dying from car accidents then from bombings, while in Australia in a whole year they had 76 dead from car accidents
זה לא הטרוריסטים אלא

המנטליות המסריחה והתכונות אופי הדוחות שיש פה לרוב ובעיקר לנשים :)


New member
...Realy ? i´m more upset about

The religous taking over the country! in Australia it was so much fun! no religous people, cause the country seperated religion from it, so you can watch movies on friday/saturday/sunday, almost everything is open, oh and the best part, Australians are lazy, they love going to the beach, so the work days are short, I tell ya, it´s heaven for Israelies


New member
...I can´t seat still till I die

!I´m too hyper, i´m currently finding out how to get into New Zealand It´s like Australia, just without all the killer animals, and it has a lot of rain, yay
היו כמה בלאגנים

שלא הסתיימו ובגללם אני מחוייב להישאר :) חפיף אני אקבור את עצמי בעבודה מיום רביעי הקרוב אני שוב אהיה רק בערבים בניגוד לעבר שהייתי פה כל היום או רוב היום


New member
!Atleast you got a job

! I´ve been out of a job for the last month, and now i´m starting the 2nd