LOST CAT. PLEASE HELP FIND RUBY! REWARD. CALL ANY TIME IF YOU SEE OR CATCH HER. THANK YOU!! Danni 052-442-6567 Lost at: Corner of Dizengoff/Jabotinsky, T.A. on Wednesday, March 10, 7:00pm. She fell off my balcony during the storm on Wednesday and disappeared. She is a 9-month-old grey and white "tuxedo" cat with pink nose and lips, yellow eyes, and a brown leather collar with round metal tag. PLEASE PLEASE HELP FIND HER. I am in Israel alone, and my pets are my family.... Cellular 24 HOURS: 052-442-6567
LOST CAT. PLEASE HELP FIND RUBY! REWARD. CALL ANY TIME IF YOU SEE OR CATCH HER. THANK YOU!! Danni 052-442-6567 Lost at: Corner of Dizengoff/Jabotinsky, T.A. on Wednesday, March 10, 7:00pm. She fell off my balcony during the storm on Wednesday and disappeared. She is a 9-month-old grey and white "tuxedo" cat with pink nose and lips, yellow eyes, and a brown leather collar with round metal tag. PLEASE PLEASE HELP FIND HER. I am in Israel alone, and my pets are my family.... Cellular 24 HOURS: 052-442-6567