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Brian: I want my girls to call Mark 'Daddy' From the Irish News of the World. Brian puts kids first. Singer Brian Mcfadden wants his beloved daughters to call another man daddy. The former Westlife singer has made the selfless sacrifice so that Molly, 6 and Lily,4, can lead normal lives. Now that his ex wife Kerry Katona has married Mark Croft, Brian has welcomed the former cabbie into the girls lives. In an exclusive interview with the irish news of the world, Brian 27, says I think its good if the girls call Mark daddy. "To me it shows they are happy living with him and feel comfortable and safe with him. Having a full time second dad around is much better than Kerry going out dating and bringing different men around them. And when they are at shool it is just easier to call Kerry and mark, mammy and daddy." "But they both know im their father and its fine if they call us both daddy. All that matters to me id their happiness and security." Three years after the couples acrimonious split, Brian insists he and Kerry are at peace. he said, 'shes moved on with her life and ive moved on with mine. we dont speak that much because we dont really need to. When the girls come to stay with me, its my mum who arranges it, but when kerry and i do speak its fine." "I havent met the girls new little sister yet but its geat news and i wish them all the best". Despite the fact thay kerry has remarried, Brian is not plannaing on doing the same with new love Delta- just yet. He says, " Im so happy with delta but we havent discussed marriage. She has practically become one of the family already- my parents love her and we spend a lot of time in Dublin." Brians latest single, Like Only a Woman Can, was released on friday and he admnitted his stunning girlfriend inspired it. he said, "delta was in my mind and so was my mother and sister susan. Its about all women and how they can change your life" i taken this from thecommitted all credit goes to "Shane+Nickys_Angel"
Brian: I want my girls to call Mark 'Daddy' From the Irish News of the World. Brian puts kids first. Singer Brian Mcfadden wants his beloved daughters to call another man daddy. The former Westlife singer has made the selfless sacrifice so that Molly, 6 and Lily,4, can lead normal lives. Now that his ex wife Kerry Katona has married Mark Croft, Brian has welcomed the former cabbie into the girls lives. In an exclusive interview with the irish news of the world, Brian 27, says I think its good if the girls call Mark daddy. "To me it shows they are happy living with him and feel comfortable and safe with him. Having a full time second dad around is much better than Kerry going out dating and bringing different men around them. And when they are at shool it is just easier to call Kerry and mark, mammy and daddy." "But they both know im their father and its fine if they call us both daddy. All that matters to me id their happiness and security." Three years after the couples acrimonious split, Brian insists he and Kerry are at peace. he said, 'shes moved on with her life and ive moved on with mine. we dont speak that much because we dont really need to. When the girls come to stay with me, its my mum who arranges it, but when kerry and i do speak its fine." "I havent met the girls new little sister yet but its geat news and i wish them all the best". Despite the fact thay kerry has remarried, Brian is not plannaing on doing the same with new love Delta- just yet. He says, " Im so happy with delta but we havent discussed marriage. She has practically become one of the family already- my parents love her and we spend a lot of time in Dublin." Brians latest single, Like Only a Woman Can, was released on friday and he admnitted his stunning girlfriend inspired it. he said, "delta was in my mind and so was my mother and sister susan. Its about all women and how they can change your life" i taken this from thecommitted all credit goes to "Shane+Nickys_Angel"