army service after 30??


New member
army service after 30??

Shalom. I did aliah 3 years ago+ a few month (at 28) with my wife. Now I am 32 and have a son and I was never called by the army. I thought I was suppose to do 100 days or so. Am I too old already? Should I register in some web page or something like that? Did I miss some legal procedure? Toda raba. J. H.


New member
as far as i know ../images/Emo195.gif

I am not authorized to answer on behalf of the army but as far as I know you might be invited for one day and then you might get a paper saying that you are in a pool but most likely you won't get drafted.


New member
If I understand correctly...

From the sites I've been reading, I'm looking to make Aliyah in a few years, once you're our age (I'm 29) you go into a pool that is at the bottom of the list for being called up...basically there's not much chance of being called to duty, even for reserve level stuff...again, that is just what I've culled from the sites I've been reading at the Israeli Gov't Portal site...