a letter to GRAY-HAIRED
Mr. he-who-knows-everything, without refering to the content of your preaching, if you have the guts to criticize other CFI`s, behave like a real PILOT, stand up and reveal your real name. Unless you are a famous writer working under a Pen-name,like Shalom-Aleichem or Akhad-Ha`am, Tell us who you really are, and we will all drink-your-words-with-thirst, as they say.
Mr. he-who-knows-everything, without refering to the content of your preaching, if you have the guts to criticize other CFI`s, behave like a real PILOT, stand up and reveal your real name. Unless you are a famous writer working under a Pen-name,like Shalom-Aleichem or Akhad-Ha`am, Tell us who you really are, and we will all drink-your-words-with-thirst, as they say.