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*ג'רי זכתה בפרס סופרת הילדים המוכרת ביותר לשנת 2008 בבריטניה בזכות ספרה "יוג'ינה לבנדר" Geri is celebrating a huge triumph this week. She has just been named the Best Selling Childrens Author of 2008 in the UK. Her stories about nine year old Ugenia Lavender have sold over 250, 000 copies since their first release back in May making the series the surprise literary hit of the year. Geri has also been named the most successful celebrity author in recent years according to British retailer WHSmith. No wonder she's giving screenwriting a try. It's nice to hear that the Girls non-musical projects are achieving such success *הספייס גירלז זכו בפרס מופע הקאמבאק הטוב ביותר Last night they won "Best Live Return" at the Vodafone Music Awards, thanks to selling out an incredible 47 shows throughout Europe and Northan America during their "Return Of" 2007/2008 tour. In June, the Spice Girls won Glamour's award for Best Band with Geri, Mel B & Emma there to accept the award. Emma was the only Spice to appear at the Vodafone Awards. *הספייס זכו גם בפרס הגלאמור לשנת 2008 אמה מל בי וג'רי נחכו בטקס The Spice Girls won Best Band at the Glamour Awards last night, and Emma, Geri and Mel B were there to receive their prize. The Girls proved once again that no one does Girl Power quite like the Spice Girls. After picking up the award Geri said, "Its a real honour to receive this award, particularly as its voted for by the readers. We really would like to thank all of our loyal fans out there." The girls thoroughly enjoyed the evening, catching up with old friends and new, including Heroes star Hayden Panettiere who told Emma that she was a big fan of the Spice Girls. Mel B rounded off the evening by saying a big thank you to the Spice Girls and revealed that they would be friends forever. * מלאני בי תהיה מגישת מיס יוניברס 2008 Mel B will be co-hosting the 2008 Miss Universe Pageant with Jerry Springer live from Vietnam on July 13 at 9pm EST airing on NBC. "This is obviously a great honor and getting to work alongside Mel B makes it even better," said Springer. "I'm thrilled to be a co-host of the Miss Universe Pageant," said Mel B. "I believe the diversity and dedication that the pageant brings inspires and empowers young women across the globe." Each contestant, representing 80 countries from around the world, will be judged in three categories: swimsuit, evening gown and interview as they vie for the coveted title of Miss Universe 2008. The Miss Universe show is an internationally celebrated event with distribution in more than 170 countries. Melanie Brown, better known as Mel B, has made her mark as an accomplished singer, actress, producer, designer and TV personality. Mel B became a household name as "Scary Spice," one of the members of the iconic girl group the Spice Girls. She has appeared in numerous TV specials, shows and films as well as on Broadway in the hugely successful musical "Rent." Mel B is currently working on her third solo album, slated for release in early 2009. Her newest project, "The Singing Office," will premiere on TLC later this month, with Mel serving as Executive Producer and Co-Host. Additionally, she was a finalist on the fifth season of "Dancing with the Stars," where she became a fan favorite with her dance experience and fun disposition on the dance floor. She has since become a special events correspondent for "Access Hollywood." *


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על כל הזכיות בהחלט מגיע להן! :)
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וואלנ לא ראיתי אותה כסופרת חחחחחחחחח נחמד ..... הפתיעה......

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מקווה שתאהבו


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צמלאני יצאה מהמכון כושר והתחבאה מהפפראצי בדרך מיוחד חחח:D ---------->>>
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אני לא יכולה להפסיק לצחוק חחחחחחחחחחחחחחחחחחחחחחחחחחחחחחחחחחחחחחחחחחחחח איזה חמודה חחחחחחחחחחחחחחחחחחחחחחחחחחחחחחחחחחחחחחחחחחח כואבת לי הבטן חחחחחחחחחחחחחחחחחחחחחחחחח


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*איזה נעליים מכוערות חחח