ביוגרפיה של טום פלטון...אין לי כוח

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ביוגרפיה של טום פלטון...אין לי כוח

Tom Felton אין לי כוח לתרגם SORRY Fifteen year old,Thomas Felton was born September 22, 1987. Made most famous for his roles in "Harry Potter and the Philosophers Stone" and "Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets", he has gained high attention by many fans throughout the world. Tom was introduced into the acting industry when a family friend recognized the rigth theatrical qualities in him and suggested he try acting out. He auditioned with over 400 kids and had a job two weeks later. His previous roles have been in the films "The Borrowers" (1998) and "Anna and the King" (1999). He has also appeared in "Bugs" in which he played the role of James. He has also appeared in the TV series "Second Sight II", a TV drama about a police officer who is losing his sight, the police officer tries to track down a murder suspect. Thomas Ingham played by Tom Felton is the major witness in the case. Other stuff about Tom: His hair is naturally brown His favorite sport is fishing, he works at Bury Hill, a local lake, on Sundays where he gets to fish. Tom´s idead of a good career is a professional fisherman. He goes fishing near his home in Surrey, England, and is planning a fishing trip in Manitoba, Canada. (Dec. 2001 interview) When asked what a Tom Felton sandwich would contain, he said that it would have about three rashers [slices] of bacon, a massive burger, a couple of sausages, and a fried egg. "It´s very fatty and not very healthy for you, but I´m sure it would taste absolutely gorgeous!"

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אה ומצאתי באתר הזה סיבות למה דראקו

והרמיוני צריכים להיות יחד..ושוב אין לי כוח לתרגם ואני גם לא מסכימה עם כל מה שכתוב!!! אז אל תבינו לא נכון... 1. Because he makes her even more beautiful (The teeth thing in GoF). 2. Because what´s so great about Potter anyway? 3. Because we´ll always have Paris! 4. Because Crookshanks isn´t Hermione´s favourite pet, the ferret is. 5. Because she has a thing for vicously cuddly animals. 6. Because Harry and Ron don´t understand. 7. Because they can! -Telli 8. Because she´s not afraid to show him who´s boss! 9. Because opposites attract! 10. Because they´re the third wheel. 11. Because Crabbe and Goyle are no fun. 12. Because they´re each other´s equal, really! 13. Because ´Mudblood´ means ´lover´ in our book! 14. Because his face turned red infront of her (Slapping scene in PoA)! 15. Because Shakespeare would´ve liked them! 16. Because why else would Draco have to put down Harry and Ron? 17. Because Draco´s a better seeker than Krum! 18. Because if you can´t beat them, join them! 19. Because Draco looks sexy in leather. 20. Because ´keep your friends close, and your enemies closer´. 21. Because they like to study... each other. 22. Because ´he could´ve gotten seriously hurt!´ -*ADARA* 23. Because silver and gold are pretty by themselves, but look even better together! -Catie 24. Because Draco told his Daddy all about Hermione! 25. Because Hermione likes Draco´s broomstick! 26.Because there´s a thin line between love and hate 27.Because only She can tame the Dragon. 28.Because who doesn´t love a bad boy? 29.Because love comes when you least expect it. 30.Because Dumbledore encourges interhouse relationships. 31.Because you could say they´re encouraged to love 32. Because it all started on a train... 33. Because she slapped him, and he liked it! 34. Because ´Draco and Hermione´ sounds right. 35. Cos´ it makes life interesting when you think of something which would be referred to as "impossible" in the books... 36. Cos´ true love´s path was never smooth 37. Cos´ it´s all about love in ´vein´, he calls her Mudblood (dirty blood) doesn´t he? 38. Cos´ the insults have gone on too long... 39. Cos´ the bad belongs with the good 40. Cos´ snakes know how to ´bite´ the lions 41. Cos´ Draco likes her enough to pester Potter and Weasley more. 42. Cos´ forbidden love´s always the issue 43. Cos´ there´s no potential in Harry and Hermione, they confirmed it in GOF, they´re just friends. 44. Cos´ she was eager to do the Polyjuice Potion. Isn´t becoming a Slytherin the best excuse to spend more time with Draco? 45. Cos´ it´s time somebody broke the colour barrier. 46. Cos´ when Hermione ´loosened up´ in POA, she showed potential of going to the Dark Side 47. Cos´ Draco cared enough to get the Slytherins to broadcast the articles about her in GOF 48. When Snape was reading about the ´Harry, Hermione and Viktor article in GOF, Draco was angry enough to see somebody pull his moves on Hermione so he flashed his ´Potter Sucks´ badge. 49. Because "Keep that bushy head down Granger!" 50. Because even Draco couldn´t pull an insult at the Yule Ball!

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קישור כבר לא ישנה זה כבר פה..

אבל נראה לך שהעתקתי?? סימנתי את זה לחצתי העתק ואז בתגובה הדבק...הבנת?

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אהה...טוב אבל אני ישים מחר בגלל

שאני לא זוכרת את האתר אני צריכה לחפש...לא שמרתי אותו או משהו... העתקתי את הקטעים והתמונות וסגרתי אותו...אבל אני יחפש וישים קישורים מחר מצאתי המון אתרים חדשים היום...